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As Jess shakily waits for the elevator, texting Pops to pick her up, she sees River quickly approaching. She runs down the stairs but realizes she has nowhere to go. Once outside, River catches up to Jess and agrees with her shock over the situation. She wants to know why the executive team revealed their finding so publicly. River explains that the situation is “a really big deal” (69) due to him being the company founder, but Jess counters that they can just assume the data doesn’t apply to them. He insists the technology is valid and wants to know how they should move forward. When Jess expresses skepticism about River’s previous matches, he explains that she’s his first, since he only selected Platinum Matches and above. They hold prolonged eye contact, and Jess has a fleeting fantasy about him that she quickly dismisses. As Pops pulls up, River tells her he’d like to talk more and gives her a smile that “hit her like a thunderbolt” (72).
During Jess’s birthday party at home with Pops, Nana Jo, and Juno, she receives an email from Jennings Grocery canceling her contract. She anxiously processes that a third of her income is gone; it will be tough to make ends meet with her other three contracts. When Juno leaves the room, Jess explains her situation to Pops and Nana Jo. They offer to help, but she decides to get a second job instead. After the grandparents leave, the doorbell rings and Jess opens the door to her mother, Jamie. Jess feels a sense of dread, as her mother has never played a significant role in her life; she hasn’t seen Jamie since Thanksgiving, when she gave her rent money at a Denny’s. Jamie claims she came to celebrate her 30-year-old daughter’s “28th birthday” and expresses disappointment when the latter says she isn’t dating anyone. She then tells Jess about her new job opportunity, which requires a few hundred dollars. Jess transfers the money to Jamie, despite her reservations. She reminds herself that she’s nothing like her mother, except for the fact that they both had children when they were young.
On Monday, Jess has started her second job working as a barista at Twiggs. Fizzy comes in and tells her that she was much more compatible with her Silver Match than her Base Matches. Although it’s a slow morning, their conversation is interrupted when River comes in for his morning coffee. He asks why Jess is behind the counter, and she explains that she lost a contract and has to support her daughter. When Jess eyes River searching for a wedding ring, she reassures him that she’s not married. He tells her married people don’t usually submit samples to DNADuo anyway. She realizes their conversation feels “like nerdy flirting” (88). Jess’s humiliation upon struggling to enter River’s order on the cash register is magnified when he leaves a five-dollar bill in the tip jar on his way out. As Fizzy tries to console Jess, fellow barista Daniel asks why she’s upset. Fizzy explains that Jess and River matched on DNADuo. Daniel admits he’s never matched higher than a 37. After he coaxes Jess to reveal that she and River are a Diamond Match, he asks if she’s curious about it. Jess doesn’t plan to act on the match, and Fizzy chastises her for taking the “boring, safe” (92) route.
Three days later, Jess is approached by head of marketing Brandon Butkis in his car, who asks if she can get someone to watch Juno for the evening. She reiterates that she’s not interested in pursuing the match, but Brandon clarifies that they just want to follow up. He reassures her that there won’t be another meeting and admits the first was a mistake. He invites Jess to dinner, and she eventually relents when he promises it will be worthwhile.
After Jess changes, she and Brandon arrive at a high-end restaurant. Jess is surprised to find River waiting for her, along with David Morris. River observes her expression and apologetically tells her he assumed she knew he was coming. After they sit and order, a heavy silence falls over the table. David prompts River to explain their technology to Jess, but she interjects, assuring them that she has a basic understanding of what they do. However, she questions them knowing what a 98 means without a precedent—and how she and River could score so highly with no instant attraction or connection between them.
Brandon explains that they “believe in this science” (98); River seconds the sentiment, but Jess isn’t convinced. Brandon asks Jess if she would be willing to get to know River if they paid her $10,000 a month for 3 months (for a total of $30,000)—until the official launch of DNADuo in May. Jess turns to River and asks if he thinks their score is correct, and if he wants it to be correct. He doesn’t know, but he’s willing to get to know her to validate his technology. Jess tells them she has to think about their proposition and will call them.
Jess returns home to find Juno already in bed with a book, which makes her question if she’ll ever feel like a good parent. Juno starts telling Jess about her book, but the latter is still distracted by GeneticAlly’s proposition. Juno notices her mother’s expression and asks what’s going on. Jess explains that she’s uncertain if she should do something that’s being asked of her. Juno inquires as to whether or not she might learn from it, and Jess realizes that she might.
Jess grabs a beer and joins her grandparents in the courtyard. She tells Nana Jo how much she loves her and launches into a tirade about how expensive it is to raise a child. Pops sees the tirade as a cue to ask how dinner went. Jess tells her grandparents about DNADuo and how the matches are selected based on genetics. She reveals that she matched with the company founder at a “statistically unbelievable level” (108) and was offered $30,000 to get to know him. Pops weighs in, encouraging her to accept the offer since River “seems harmless” (110) and the money will help her; Nana Jo doesn’t argue.
Jess and Fizzy talk in Trolley Barn Park while Juno tries to take her cat, Pigeon, on a walk with a leash and harness. When Pigeon pounces on a praying mantis, Fizzy uses it as an opportunity to tell Jess that they should all be like the feline—seizing an opportunity when it presents itself. Like Pops, Fizzy encourages Jess to take GeneticAlly’s deal. She mentions meeting a charming man the previous night at Daniel’s house, a banker named Rob. Jess suggests that Fizzy get Rob tested to see how they match, but Fizzy doesn’t want to. She’s not prepared to find out if they are meant to be together. Jess teases Fizzy, asking if she truly believes “this DNADuo stuff”—to which Fizzy responds that the “more important question” is whether Jess does (115).
Feeling disconnected, Jess arrives at GeneticAlly on Friday evening after agreeing to meet their lawyer. As she enters the building, River greets her. When he opens himself up to questions, she asks whether or not he’s dating anyone else. After they both confirm being single, River asks Jess why she took the test in the first place. She explains that it came on the tail end of a bad day, to which he simply replies “Okay” (119). Jess finds River harder to read than ever, mentally referring to him as a “vault” (119).
Jess enters a room where she finds David Morris and GeneticAlly lawyer Omar Gamble. Omar asks her to peruse the lengthy contract, and she obliges. When she asks River if he has any objections to the contract, he tells her that he’d added a clause that does not obligate her to physical contact, but also absolved the company of any outcomes of said contact—like pregnancy. Jess requests that they add a clause that ensures Juno is not involved. Omar assures her that he’ll make the necessary change. Before the meeting ends, River asks that they take the test again using blood, just to be thorough.
In the lab, Jess expresses surprise when it becomes clear that River is going to be the one drawing their blood. He assures Jess that he’s certified, and she rolls up her sleeve. She compliments his eyes without meaning to, and they both laugh when he jokes about his long lashes. Jess asks River how he came up with DNADuo, and he explains: Back in graduate school, his main rival Rhea told him that it was ridiculous to think DNA could be used to match people for relationship purposes. He set out to prove her wrong—but was also genuinely curious. Jess asks River how he feels about scores over 90, to which he responds that they make him uneasy because compatibility may (counterintuitively) decrease at such levels. While the company has some evidence that this isn’t the case, there isn’t enough data to draw any concrete conclusions. He turns to draw his own blood, and Jess understands she’s “being politely dismissed” (132).
On Saturday morning, Jess and Juno try to come up with ideas for Juno’s art-science project. Juno insists that her project involve a roller-coaster and begs to go to Magic Mountain the next day, since Jess quit her job at Twiggs and is available. Jess’s phone rings and she assumes it’s River with the test results, but she can’t bring herself to pick up. She’s excited about the money and doesn’t want it to be taken from her. Instead, Jess does an online search and finds several pictures of River with a “bright and sincere” (137) smile. She becomes angry at the fact that he’s never smiled this way around her. River texts Jess, asking her to dinner and confirming that they scored a 98 again. Jess feels her heart “flopping, punching” inside her body as she processes that “it was real” (138). She tells him where to meet her for dinner.
Jess has Fizzy over to help her pick an outfit and, despite her nerves, heads next door to the restaurant. River meets her early and tells her he came from work. He explains that since he has no “partner, kids, or pets” (141), work is his life. Jess asks River if he feels inconvenienced by their test results, but Jama, their waiter, interrupts them to take their order. River quickly changes the subject after Jama leaves, asking Jess about her family and telling her that he has two older sisters, Natalia and Pilar. Jess finds it surprising because the youngest in a family is usually more laid-back. River is equally surprised to find out Jess is an only child because of how “responsible” and “conscientious” she is (144). After they briefly bond over their shared love of numbers and statistics, River returns to Jess’s question of being inconvenienced, admitting that their test results threaten to upend his whole life; however, to ignore them is to disregard everything he’s worked for. They shake hands, agreeing to be “Genuine but Cautious” (149) going forward. Suddenly, Juno appears followed by Pops, who claims he was unable to stop her. Jess introduces Juno to River, and the two bond over having unique names. Jess’s stomach feels “warm” and “wiggly” as they converse (151). River then pays the bill and heads out.
After a hectic morning getting Juno to school, Jess finds an email from Brandon Butkis about an interview the next day with the San Diego Union-Tribune. Jess calls Brandon, who attempts to assuage her fear. He tells her that River and the interviewer, Michelle, are old friends. When Jess arrives for the interview at Shelter Island, she feels self-conscious in her simple outfit of a t-shirt and jeans. Jess observes that Michelle is attractive and River looks way “out of Jess’s league” (156). She tells River he looks good, and when he returns the compliment, she thinks to herself “It’s all an act” (157). River then surprises Jess by awkwardly kissing her on the cheek, which prompts her to think they can’t possibly be fooling anyone. They sit close to each other and begin the interview.
Michelle asks several questions about Jess’s background and how she met River. When Michelle asks River what it was like meeting Jess, he explains he’d seen her at a coffee shop for years. River holds Jess’s hand, but when Michelle asks if they are officially dating, Jess feels her hand go clammy and pulls away. River says they are—so Jess agrees. Michelle then inquires as to whether or not the situation feels different “on some cellular level” (161). River grabs Jess’s hand again and they both admit to being surprised at the result, but also accepting of it. River insists it’s not a publicity stunt, chalking the timing of the match up to serendipity, and shares a private smile with Jess when he says they are both scientists and wouldn’t jump into the situation without caution.
As Jess and River have their pictures taken following the interview, the former is surprised when the latter admits to feeling awkward; she assumed press and publicity came naturally to him. When Jess tells River she’s cold, he stands behind her and wraps her in his coat, causing her to have a vivid sexual fantasy about him. She presses against him and hears him groan. He admits to being aroused, which makes Jess feel powerful. She asks if they even like each other, to which River replies he’s starting to.
Chapters 6-12 chart the development of Jess’s relationship with River, as she reconsiders her negative view of him after agreeing to date. As her hostility falters, one of the book’s main themes comes to light: the unreliability of first impressions. Upon spending time with River, Jess concludes that he “might not be the worst man alive” (132). After their first date, Jess concedes that it went “Better than expected” (153)—particularly since River meets and bonds with Juno.
Jess’s physical reactions to River also continue to intensify. When he puts a hand on her back to help her stop choking at dinner with David and Brandon, she finds the touch “steady but electric, jerking a breath from her chest” (101). Jess and River share a “surprisingly sensual” (130) moment when he draws blood for their second DNADuo match test. At their post-interview photoshoot, she openly admits to lusting for him as they are pressed against each other. When their eyes lock, “Heat melted through her” (167). During this moment, Jess experiences the first of many vivid sexual fantasies about River—which will become increasingly difficult to ignore as the story progresses.
However, because money is involved in Jess’s agreement to date River, she also questions the latter’s motives. This conflict introduces another theme: whether their relationship is for money or love. On her way to sign GeneticAlly’s contract, she wonders “What’s in it for you?” (117) in regards to River. She doesn’t believe it’s “for the pursuit of love” (117), especially not during their interview for the San Diego Union-Tribune. Jess assumes River’s public behavior towards her is “all an act” (157). Despite encouragement to date River from Fizzy, Pops, and Nana Jo, Jess is unable to fully trust the man’s motives at this point in the story.
Jess’s strained relationship with her mother, Jamie, is also explored in this section. Jamie’s selfish, unpredictable behavior becomes evident when she intrudes on Jess’s life, misremembering her age and asking for money. Jess subsequently has to remind herself that she is nothing like her mother. She has “tried not to repeat any of her mother’s patterns” (83)—bar having a child at a young age. She still worries about being a single mother, fearing that “every decision she made was ruining Juno’s childhood in some way” (103). While Jess’s chemistry with River is slowly invigorating her, she lacks full confidence in her parenting skills.
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By Christina Lauren